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Old fasion potato harvesting

Keeping it in the Family

Fred Bell bought the first farm in Lewiston, Maine in 1937, moving his family from Van Buren. Sons Emile, Herbert, Victor and Arthur all helped to create what is now Bell Farms Inc.

Emile and wife Theresa's children, Raymond, David, Camille, Suzanne, Michelle and grandson Shane have all contributed to the growth of Bell Farms Inc. Today, we farm acres in Lewiston, Auburn and Durham. Our fields have rich soil along both sides of the Androscoggin River.

Today the Bell family is proud to have 3rd, 4th and 5th generations working together.

3rd generation - Siblings Raymond Bell, David Bell, Suzanne Dostie-Bell & Michelle Bell

4th generation- Shane & wife Molly Bell
(Camille's son)  & Maxemile Bell (David's son)

5th generation- Ethan Bell (Shane's son)

Old Photo Of Bell Farms in Auburn, ME 04210

Original Auburn Farm

Raymond Bell

Raymond Bell

Raymond and Shane watching irrigation

Raymond & Shane

Cutting seed potatoes
Emile Bell

Emile Bell

David Bell harvesting potatoes

David Bell

Shoveling potatoes from storage

Who you will see at the Farm


Ericka Cofferen


Farm Facility & Store

Bell Farms Inc.

1552 Riverside Dr

Auburn, ME 04210

(Winter hrs) Mon-Sat 8am-4pm

(Aug-Oct )7 days a week 8am-6pm

Billing Address

Suzanne Dostie

320 Ferry Rd

Lewiston, ME 04240



Interested in ordering from us? Contact us at:


Kitchen, grocery and wholesale.

Delivery options are available.



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